How to do effective giveaways on Twitch [2024]

Ever since Twitch first burst onto the scene as a competitor to YouTube, the platform has rapidly become one of the go-to destinations for gamers and content creators alike, and it can be argued that this is down to the platform's loyal and eclectic audience base; and monetisation opportunities on offer. Moreover, due to the varied demographics found on Twitch, businesses and brands are also starting to use the streaming platform for various initiatives.

Given that this is the case, streamers are constantly looking to enhance engagement and solidify strong ties with their communities, and one popular way of achieving this is through giveaways. The reason is simple giveaways are effective activities for sparking audience excitement and boosting viewer loyalty, and this is because they offer viewers a chance to win compelling prizes. What this does is foster inclusivity and a sense of reward, and contributes to building a supportive community around the streamer.

But as 2024 unfolds, Twitch is evolving, and so too are marketing strategies, guidelines, and the preferences of viewers. Therefore, navigating Twitch giveaways requires a certain level of understanding if content creators and businesses are to get the most out of this platform. But don't worry, we got you covered!

This article will serve as your guide to mastering Twitch giveaways, transforming them from a one-time event to a key strategy for channel growth and brand exposure.

With further ado, let's explore what is needed to conduct an effective giveaway on Twitch! 

Understanding Twitch and its user base

Twitch streamer giveaway

For Twitch streamers who want to cultivate a dedicated following, knowing how to enhance viewer engagement and build a loyal community base is key to success on the platform. Giveaways are an excellent way for streamers to achieve this, and build a dedicated following in the process.

Twitch demographics and user behaviour

While the Twitch community is made up of a broad spectrum of users, its main demographic sits between the ages of 18 to 34 years old. The focal point of this platform is, of course, gaming, with a large portion of platform users engaging via chat messages and emoticons; allowing them to participate in community success through sociability. It should be noted that this user behaviour is not limited to gaming, but is exhibited across all the various content categories on Twitch. 

User distribution by age group:

18-24 years: 41%

25-34 years: 32%

35+ years: 27%

Some of the factors that will influence the reach of hosted content includes the quality and consistency of the streamer's broadcasts, as well as the genres of games and the narratives that are shared.

The role of giveaways in viewer engagement

Although a number of factors contribute to viewer engagement, giveaways on Twitch are one of the best ways to create hype. Apart from the obvious - a chance to win something, these giveaways also allow viewers to feel part of their favourite streamer's community and stimulate user participation during broadcasts. Through giveaways, sweepstakes or contests, streamers can bolster viewer interaction, and at the same time build loyalty and camaraderie within their community. 

Key giveaway attributes:

Inclusivity: Open to a broad audience, maximising participation

Excitement: Builds anticipation, keeping the audience engaged

Gratitude: Acts as a token of appreciation towards supporters

This might seem fairly straightforward, but knowing how to correctly implement a giveaway is critical for its success as well contributing to the overall success of a channel. In order to do so you'll need a well-structured plan that ensures a fair and transparent approach - and maintains viewer trust and interest for the long haul.

Planning your giveaway on Twitch

How to do a twitch giveaway

One thing to consider in the giveaway strategy is to make sure that it aligns with a channel's growth objectives; capitalising on peak viewer engagement. 

Setting clear objectives

When thinking about launching giveaways, a streamer should carefully evaluate their goal and what they aim to achieve through this. For example, this might look like increasing follower count, boosting viewer interaction, or even celebrating a particular event or achievement. Using a giveaway tool that integrates with Twitch can make things easier by helping track participants and choose the winners. It's also a good idea to use a giveaway widget on the giveaway's landing page to make it easy for viewers to enter and keep things simple.

Choosing the right timing to run a giveaway

Another thing to consider in your Twitch giveaway is timing. Hosts will need to understand when the majority of their audience is likely to watch their stream. By launching a giveaway during a channel's peak hours, alongside an event, or even as part of a special broadcast, hosts can boost participation rates. In order to do this they'll need to analyze viewer statistics to determine the peak periods of audience viewership and tailor the giveaway to the streamer's community and stream schedule. 

Knowing when to run a giveaway is important, but so is providing an accessible giveaway landing page that streamlines the entry process and keeps audience interest high.

Selecting appropriate giveaway prizes

Giveaway prizes

Selecting the right prize is, of course, one of the best ways to attract (and retain) participants. Tailor the prize to your audience and their interests to generate buzz around your giveaway, but also make sure you stay within budget and don't end up out of pocket.

Prize ideas that resonate with your audience

Knowing what prize to select requires you to understand who your audience is, and what appeals to them. As the Twitch audience often have interests tied to gaming, technology, and streamer-specific merchandise, the following prize ideas will likely resonate with them. 

Gaming Hardware: Controllers, headsets, or keyboards are a good choice for a tech-savvy crowd.

Game Codes: Offering the latest game titles or in-game currency for popular games will likely attract a gaming-focused audience.

Merchandise: Signed merchandise or exclusive items from a streamer’s branded collection will appeal to loyal subscribers.

By offering different prizes that appeal to broad audience segments you can acknowledge the diversity within a community while fostering a closer relationship with your Twitch community.

Balancing budget and impact

Choosing cost-effective prizes doesn't mean compromising on the giveaway's impact. The following tips can help provide a happy medium:

Tiered Prizes: Have one big prize and several smaller ones to create more winners, while giving more people a chance to win (and therefore participate)

Sponsorships: Partnering with companies can get you prizes for free, and it's also a great way to show your audience the products you support.

Digital Rewards: It's best to select digital merchandise such as game keys or streaming service subscriptions that offer high reward for your viewers, that don't come with high costs.

Beyond the above recommendations, it is essential to find a balance between the prize's value and your budget to ensure you can consistently maintain the giveaway efforts on Twitch. By being strategic, you can find novel ways to provide prizes via raffle that don't strain resources.

Tropee — ideal Twitch giveaway tool

giveaway tool twitch

Tropee is a giveaway software platform that helps Twitch streamers grow their respective channels by simplifying the creation and management of contests and incentives.

Tropee overview

On your Tropee page, people complete tasks to earn points and unlock rewards and giveaways. Tasks can be whatever you like—such as subscribing to your Twitch, tipping you on Ko-fi, following you on social media, interacting with your posts, visiting a website, signing up for your newsletter, and more.

Each task your fans finish earns them points they can use for unlocking rewards or entering giveaways. As a Tropee creator, you get to pick the rewards—whether it's ebooks, shoutouts, personal calls, physical goodies, or exclusive content. Tropee is 100% free, click here to create your page.

Automating the giveaway process

Through advanced features, like fraud detection, responsive widgets, and email notifications, Tropee makes running giveaways easy and user-friendly. Streamers can automate their Twitch giveaways with little effort which encourages people to take part. The process is smooth for participants, from entering to getting notified, each step is designed to encourage users to take part. Tropee's random selection utility instantly picks and notifies winners, removing the need for streamers to do this manually, which means they can focus on their content while providing professional-grade giveaways.

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Promoting your Twitch giveaway

Twitch promote

To effectively promote a Twitch giveaway it's important to use a smart strategy across different platforms and channels. This means not only spreading the word, but also actively engaging with audiences on different social platforms, as well as the Twitch community itself.

Effective use of social media

When promoting a giveaway on social media, it's crucial to tailor your strategy for each platform. For Twitter, use short, engaging Tweets with hashtags to grab your follower's attention.

On Instagram, focus on high-quality images and stories to stand out. Make sure to use striking visuals that include clear instructions on how to participate in the giveaway. Encourage your follower to check out your Twitch stream with a call to action. 

Discord is a great tool to build hype around your giveaway. You can set up specific channels for users to talk about the giveaway, and use pinned messages with specific information and details.

Engaging with the Twitch community

Engaging with your audience is key to a successful giveaway on Twitch. So, encourage them to interact with your stream by including calls-to-action during live broadcasts. Twitch chat is a great place for this, as it lets you interact with your audience in real time. Hosting Q&A sessions and discussing giveaway details can stimulate hype and participation - this can be on a third-party platform like Nightbot or Streamlabs OBS.

You can also add Twitch panels with information about the giveaway, or even set up bots to remind viewers about it during your stream. All of this serves to keep viewers interested and helps remind newcomers about the giveaway, increasing your marketing impact and making your stream more visible. 

Running a Twitch giveaway – best practices

Run Twitch giveaway

Successful Twitch giveaways should focus on creating memorable experiences while ensuring a fair competition for all. Consider the following:

Creating an exciting giveaway experience

We have already mentioned that engagement is critical in giveaways. To optimise this engagement, focus on providing the right prize that builds hype within the community, and encourages participation. Visuals and promotions in the run up to the giveaway are great for creating anticipation. This might look like:

  • Polls that gauge interest in potential prizes.
  • Teasing the giveaway with images and countdowns 

Remember, the act of giving away should be an event in itself and Interactive elements like chats or live reactions can all help make the livestream event more attractive and enjoyable.

Ensuring fairness and transparency

Having a clear and fair process is an essential part of building trust with participants. Make sure to clearly outline how you'll pick a winner. Everyone should understand how the winner will be chosen. This might mean incorporating the following:

  • Third-party tools to automate the selection, ensuring no bias is involved.
  • Real-time screen sharing of the selection process during the stream.

On a practical note, the terms and conditions of the giveaway must be clear to all. This should cover eligibility, entry methods, and how the giveaway winner will be selected and notified. It's also really important to follow Twitch's guidelines to avoid any potential issues. To remain compliant the giveaway should alway include the below:

  • A disclaimer that Twitch does not sponsor or endorse the giveaway.
  • Clarification of the process for contacting the winner and distributing the prize.

By following these steps, you'll not only create a fun experience, but also build yourself reputation as a fair and trustworthy streamer, which in turn will help grow a loyal Twitch following.

Post-giveaway strategies

Giveaway strategy

After a giveaway on Twitch, it's essential to maintain the momentum and interest of your viewers. Positive post-giveaway engagement can turn temporary visitors into long-term community members.

Even after a successful Twitch giveaway, it's essential to maintain this and capitalise on the momentum post-giveaway. Remember, a positive experience will fuel further participation from users.

Following up with participants

The first thing to do after the giveaway, is to make sure to acknowledge and connect with the winners in a public way. Twitch users expect to be celebrated in a public way, and it also helps to encourage more viewers to join next time. Twitch streamers should use this as a chance to let their viewers know what might be coming up in the future, and this can be done in a number of simple ways:

  • Sending thank you messages or emails to participants
  • Providing exclusive content or previews to those who entered
  • Mentioning participants during streams

Analyzing giveaway outcomes

To find out the overall success of the giveaway, there are a number of elements that streamers should consider:

  • Viewership data: Did the giveaway help determine a strategy for your audience?
  • Engagement levels: Compare metrics such as chat activity before, during, and after the giveaway.
  • Followers and subscriber counts: Track any spikes in growth as a direct correlation with the giveaway.

By evaluating various success metrics, streamers can learn what works best and apply that knowledge for future giveaways. If a particular approach worked well, they can use it again or even refine it further. If the data shows that something needs to be improved, they might try changing the prizes, the length of the giveaway, or the type of event - essentially updating the strategy based on the feedback from their community.


Twitch social media

Implementing a successful giveaway on Twitch can significantly enhance audience engagement and channel growth. From understanding your user base to setting clear goals and rules to ensure transparency, the whole giveaway process should aim to demonstrate transparency and fairness throughout.

Remember the importance of incentivising participation through the choice of prize, as well as utilising tools such as Tropee to streamline the experience for both streamer and viewers. Connecting with a reliable bot like Nightbot or using Streamlabs OBS can help you manage the process, and don't forget to stick to Twitch's terms of service to avoid any policy violations that might stop your giveaway from going forward. 

The final thing to keep in mind is that, while a well-executed giveaway can lead to an increase in followers, the overall success of the giveaway can be determined by many other metrics. Evaluating your success has never been easier - and it should allow you to continue to build your channel, and turn an easy giveaway into a long-term marketing strategy.

Best of luck!